Senior Shannon Hutchens Recruited into Army

Matt Hutchens

After BAC, senior Shannon Hutchens gets a picture taken during family day.

Rachel Bush, Editor

Senior Shannon Hutchens attended Army basic training over the summer and is now a soldier that can shoot and apply tourniquets. 

Her initial interest in the military was influenced by her Army heritage. Both of Hutchens’ grandfathers served, as well as her father and brother. She felt the Army was where she belonged.  

“I never really considered the other branches,” Hutchens said. “…Looking back, I think the only other branch I would consider would be the Navy, but that’s just because of the type of training I was looking for.” 

Education, discipline, service, and opportunity were some of the benefits she says she received or is going to receive, from the military.  

Hutchens will attend Advanced Individual Training (AIT) this coming summer before her first year of college. This training will help her prepare for a job as a 27D- Paralegal, which is someone who works alongside lawyers. Her ultimate goal is to become a lawyer; however, she hopes that becoming a Paralegal will help her on her way. 

She says the military grants people a way to give back to the country that they take so much from. Hutchens thinks serving makes someone realize how much the men and women of the past gave up keeping America safe. 

“I think people view the military in a negative light because they’re scared of what they do not understand,” Hutchens said. “People don’t really know what goes into serving and I’m only just discovering it.”

Hutchens has not gone far in her career in the Army. She’s still young and unsure how much her path could change. Despite this, she was fortunate that she had family members to help her with the initial recruitment process.

“When you first start to consider joining, the Army is so involved with all the offers, it confuses recruits so much that they stop considering enlisting,” said Hutchens.  “If they’re confused, all they need to do is talk to the recruiters available for all branches at lunch. They’ll hopefully try to clear things up.” 

Overall, the military gives its participants unique opportunities that they may not have been given otherwise. The men and women of the armed forces form relationships that will last for a lifetime and make memories that will carry them through the rest of their lives.  

Hutchens was told by a Drill Sergeant that the seven core Army values of loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, and personal courage are easier to remember when someone actually lives by them. She intends to do just that.  

“We are guardians of freedom and the American way of life,” said Hutchens. “That’s the Soldier’s Creed.”