Coronavirus 2nd Spike

Alonzo Randall Jr.

As this country suffers from coronavirus cases a 2nd wave has hit the united states. it has already been two weeks since the second wave hit, and lockdowns are starting to begin again all around the world.

Gov. Northam addressed Virginia stating that “new vaccines that 95 % effective and we could get those by the end of the year”. New rules are also in effect on Friday due to the growing number of cases in this state alone only 25 people limit in buildings these restrictions also include outside events too to prevent the spread of the second wave.

New York public schools are shutting down Thursday an estimated 300,000 kids attend in-person class as record-breaking 250,000 cases rise across the United States to the highest numbers ever since the start of the pandemic. CDC urges that Americans do not travel for thanksgiving they worry that Americans will not be able to maintain social distancing with 79,400 nationwide during Covid-19 are expecting to climb to 170,100.

Many of the New York parents are outraged that all in-person instruction was abruptly halted in public schools’ classrooms will be closed through Thanksgiving and Charismas.  until they can figure out a date while doctors, they are bracing for the worse all though most nurses and doctors have not and much experience since March and April.

A rare sighting in Europe as covid-19 cases there drop a 10 percent. The World Health organization stated that around two million new infections per week across Europe last week the number fell drastically to only 1.8 million 10 percent. Europe October restrictions are less severe in the spring many of the businesses are closed, gatherings are still limited but schools remain open.

As more information emerges in the world indicates children under 10 are less are at less risk of contracting and transmitting the virus and that opening schools for the younger children is safe experts say. it will take several weeks for public health measures like mask mandates, restaurant closings, and restrictions on gatherings because of people’s behavior. Now there is no date set when schools may reopen or when New York will open back up