How to Manage Stress for Final Exams

Lev Dolgachov

Alivia Randall

As final exams are being distributed by teachers and students begin to complete the tests, the end of the school year is close by.  Final exams are universal and there are different types of people when it comes to testing. However, final exams are not just testing, it can sometimes be projects, a presentation, or essays. Stress can be a hard thing to notice, especially if you are not familiar with ways to manage it.

For students to manage stress, they first have to recognize the signs of stress, they would follow; chest aches and pains, feeling like your heart is racing, dizziness, shaking, jaw clenching, trouble sleeping, and etc. A report by the company Reach Out found that the number one common thing teenagers say that causes them stress is homework and school, especially exams. There are many ways to cope with stress during final exams. However, chugging down energy drinks at 3 a.m. is not always the healthiest and the most responsible choice to get rid of stress. Therefore, here are 4 tips on how to manage stress for upcoming final exams.

Try to get a good amount of sleep every night. Sleep is an extreme stress reducer. Sleep is one of the most important things to get before taking a final exam. Poor quality of sleep leads to more stress, more stress leads to lack of sleep, which reduces your energy. Students between the ages of 13 and 18 need a minimum of eight hours and a maximum of ten hours of sleep. Sleeping will help the brain process and maintain the information you studied the night before. Making extra time for sleep will improve your academic performance on an exam.

Try to avoid negative affirmations. When students put negative thoughts into their heads or say out loud, “I already know I’m going to fail this” about their exam, can automatically lead to a higher chance of the outcome on the exam being negative. Affirmations are uplifting statements that can help you overcome negative thoughts like this, and affirmations make students believe in themselves when they are stressed or feeling overworked by studying too much. Retraining your brain to think less negative and more positive will not only help you do well on your exam but will also release a lot of stress on the brain.

Try to find a study buddy. Over studying and understudying are common mistakes teens make. Studying too hard can cause students to stress more. Understudying can cause students to stress when the exam is in front of them. Studying, in general, can be a stressful task, along with, studying alone. There are many advantages to studying in a group or with a friend. When students are in a group studying, they are more motivated to learn. Studying with other classmates allows students to understand the topic or concept more. However, always be sure to take study breaks, constant studying will allow more stress.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Sometimes, studying alone or even studying in a group is not enough. There are different types of people when it comes to studying for exams and some need help. This could mean getting help from a tutor, teacher, an adult, or even a counselor.

There are many ways to decrease and manage stress when a final exam is approaching. Find which stress relievers work best for you and remember these 4 tips.